4th Astro-COLIBRI

Astrophysics Workshop

This international workshop provides a forum for leading scientists and young researchers to foster communication within the rapidly evolving real-time multi-messenger astronomy.

20/10/2025 - 24/10/2025

Institut Pascal, Paris-Saclay, France


Real-time multi-messenger Astrophysics

The key objective of this workshop is to develop and disseminate a research agenda on interconnecting software tools in real-time multi-messenger astronomy. This international conference provides a forum for leading scientists and young researchers to foster communication within the community between developers and users with a range of expertise in the production and use of software tools that facilitates life in rapidly evolving real-time multi-messenger astronomy.

Real-time multi-messenger alert pipeline


Astro-COLIBRI allows professional and amateur astronomers to keep track of the latest transient astrophysical events. The most violent explosions in the universe are detected by a global network of observatories. They observe supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, flares of extragalactic objects and many more. Astro-COLIBRI alerts you in real-time about these events.
  • app-store
  • google play

Workshop Topics

Travel Information

The event takes place at Institut Pascal, which is situated on the Orsay campus of the Université Paris-Sud, approximately 25 km south-west of Paris. The campus is accessible from Paris via the RER B and the building can be reached in approximately 50 minutes from the Châtelet-Les Halles station in the center of Paris.